[sylpheed:36277] Re: Synchronizing emails locally

Javier meresponde2001-sylpheed at yahoo.es
Fri Feb 6 07:27:45 JST 2015

On Thu, 05 Feb 2015 08:31:10 -0700
stef204 <stef204 at yandex.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> What is Sylpheed's default "policy" regarding synchronizing emails 
> that are on a (remote) IMAP server, to the local cache?
> In other words, how far back will Sylpheed look and/or download 
> messages from the server into the cache (for example, inside 
> .sylpheed-2.0/imapcache/mail.domain.com/user at domain.com/INBOX)? 
> (The full message, i.e. headers + body as opposed to just headers)?
> It doesn't seem to be "all"; is it based on numbers of days back, 
> or total size? (Or is it all but I'm just not seeing them, etc.?)
> I don't see any settings to configure this sync so I imagine this is 
> coded in and follows a set policy.
> Thanks.


There isn't actual sync, understood this as an exact copy to be
mirrored locally and remotely. IMAP is remote, and what you see in
your desktop is just what is in the server.

I don't think it is necessary to tell that, but may be helpful for

The caching works as: what you read is what is stored.

Initially, when you open a folder for the first time, the basic
displayed headers are cached plus the server mail ID for retrieval.
To check this, open the file .sylpheed_cache inside the local folder
that represents the remote server folder (it will be in the tree of
folders under imapcache folder).

That file, with that data, is stored permanently for folder listing
and for retrieval information.

Now, if you go to the Advanced tab of the account properties, you
should find a check box that tells you if you want to empty the cache
after exit.

By checking it, every mail you read in a session will be temporarily
saved to a file (numbered) in the folder you are woking with in your
local folder (check it the same way as above). Upon exit, it will be
deleted the created file.

Now, if you uncheck it, the file won't be removed and every mail you
open will be saved, but only those you open, as opens means download.
Sylpheed won't keep a local copy unless you open it.

Alternatively you can choose to download the whole account by right
clicking over it and choose it. Depending on folders size, and hard
disk space this will be recommended or not. It's up to you ;-)

Hope I didn't miss anything. Hiroyuki, or other experts should
correct me if so.


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