[sylpheed:34214] Urls with non-English / Ascii characters aren't handled properly

Celejar celejar at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 09:17:40 JST 2010


I'm not sure if the problem is with Sylpheed, or with some library or
component it uses, but the code for parsing urls in email messages (to
copy to clipboard or open in browser) doesn't work properly for urls
containing non-English / Ascii characters - the url is assumed to have
ended where the non-standard characters begin.  Here are examples with
Hebrew, Russian and Greek:


Of course, the problem exists with urls that use the characters
directly, without url-encoding them.  I'm not entirely clear if such
urls are entirely legal according to the latest RFCs or other
standards, but I have run into such urls in the wild.

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