[sylpheed:33654] Re: [PATCH] Experimental support for the Notification protocol

Alexandre Erwin Ittner listas at ittner.com.br
Fri Feb 12 23:02:32 JST 2010

Hi Antonio,

Antonio Ospite <ospite at studenti.unina.it> wrote

> Cool, just a few questions, is github tracking the svn server
> automatically, or you do that manually? If manually how do you import
> commit by commit (git-svn?), and with which frequency?

I am tracking manually, with 'git svn', at a random frequency -- This
repository is intended to store my hacking patches and (tiny)
contributions, so I just fetch changes before editing code or after Hiro
announces new features. I could not find any automation to make GitHub
track this for me, but I keep a pristine copy of Sylpheed '/trunk' in the
'master' branch.

Best regards,

Alexandre Erwin Ittner - aittner at gmail.com
OpenPGP pubkey 0x0041A1FB @ http://pgp.mit.edu

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