[sylpheed:31352] Re: locked while automatically downloading new messages

Doruk Fisek dfisek at fisek.com.tr
Sat May 26 15:27:33 JST 2007

Fri, 25 May 2007 17:23:51 -0300, Ricardo Nabinger Sanchez
<rnsanchez at wait4.org> :

> Perhaps a good way to reproduce this is to mail yourself a message
> with a big attachment (enough to use your bandwidth for a minute or
> so), set Sylpheed to automatic download (without download window) to
> a short time and then compose a new message. Leave the attach dialog
> open, and when Sylpheed starts downloading, check if you're
> livelocked as I was.
I am only locked when "sending" a message, not receiving.

Sometimes Sylpheed access the disk a lot (to update index), especially
when disk is near full and if your disk drive's relatively slow (and
ide), you may be mistaking intense disk access with lockup?


FISEK INSTITUTE - http://www.fisek.org.tr

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