[sylpheed:30552] Re: character encoding problems

Rostislav Krasny rosti.bsd at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 15:07:55 JST 2006

> > It doesn't look like any library bug. After further investigation of
> > that problem, in case of usenet messages, I've found that Sylpheed
> > does "embedded or locale encoding --> UTF8" translation of messages'
> > items, like Subject, before saving a
> > 
> > ~/.sylpheed-2.0/newscache/news.fido7.ru/fido7.ru.unix.bsd/.sylpheed_cache
> > 
> > Then this file is used to display the summary view. If the locale
> > encoding is different to the subject's encoding and the subject
> > doesn't have any embedded encoding the translation is wrong.
> > 
> > This is why changing the encoding from "View | Character encoding"
> > menu doesn't have any effect in the summary view. Sylpheed thinks
> > that the summary view items are already properly translated to UTF8,
> > but this is not always true. So this is Sylpheed's bug.
> Please try "view - Update summary". This will discard the old cache and
> create a new one.

I did it in a past. But even if do it after changing the encoding in the
"View | Character encoding" menu it still doesn't look properly. The
only way to make the summary view in Sylpheed looking properly with
Russian fido7 usenet groups is running Sylpheed on a ru_RU.KOI8-R
locale. Then the update summary makes the summary view look properly.
Most of the messages there don't have any embedded encoding in their
Subject header lines.

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