[sylpheed:35890] reset timer "Auto check new mail"

richard lucassen mailinglists at lucassen.org
Wed Nov 27 02:24:07 JST 2013

Hello Hiroyuki and list,

Wouldn't it be a nice option to have a configurable option to
reset the timer of "Auto check new mail" upon clicking one of the
buttons (get, get all, compose, send etc) or any other activity?

Reason: when "getting new messages" takes a long time, e.g. caused by
an unresponsive NNTP server or a large IMAP directory structure,
composing a message in Sylpheed is blocked, or sending a message is
refused. Being able to reset the "Auto check new mail" timer would make
Sylpheed even more comfortable to work with (oh yes, it's possible
IMHO ;-)


It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak
aloud and remove all doubt.

| Richard Lucassen, Utrecht                                        |

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