[sylpheed:33487] Is there any SVN web ui or commitlog mailing list?

Antonio Ospite ospite at studenti.unina.it
Mon Jan 11 23:55:31 JST 2010


is there any web UI for the sylpheed SVN server, or some
sylpheed-commitlog mailing list? I'd like to track development so that
I can update only when there is some update interesting for me.

Some background on why I'd like to have this, just FYI:
when playing with sylpheed code I import it into a git repository and
then work on a development branch, when upstream code is changed I
update the master git branch with a 'svn up' and then rebase my dev
branch on it, pretty clean.

Maybe a CIA bot can be set up to report commits on the #sylpheed IRC
channel on FreeNode and via RSS feed.
For info about CIA see: http://cia.vc/doc/ I can set it up if this is
ok for you.

There is also this page at ohloh, but it does not show code changes:


Antonio Ospite

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A: Top-posting.
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