[sylpheed:33275] various problems & requests

Laurence Darby ldarby at tuffmail.com
Mon Nov 2 11:02:26 JST 2009


Sorry for lumping all of these in to one email, too many to split up :)

Undo in the Email headers - can this be made to work please?  It just
undoes things in the main editor window.  Also as noted by someone
else, pasting breaks copy/paste. Also can spell checking please be
enabled for the headers?

LDAP - can that please be enabled by default in ./configure (and
why not jpilot too for those that use it)

Attachments > Open with... - can a simple map be created for this
please?  eg. open .pdfs with kpdf, and open .docs with soffice,
currently it remembers the last command used, which is nearly always
the wrong one!

Multiple reply formats - in my work environment everyone top posts, with
no reply indentation (using outlook etc), which I've gotten used to, but
what really messes up those ridiculously long threads up is when one or
two people use reply indentation and everyone else doesn't.  So it'd be
really good if the reply format was the property of an account, rather
than global, and I could set an outlook equivalent reply format for the
work account.

Moving large numbers of mails around - a change in 3beta looks like
it's meant to improve things:

    * Summary caches are updated on the fly (on
      receive/move/copy/delete). This improves the performance of
      opening folders with many new messages.

However I just created a new folder, copied ~4000 messages into it, but
then when I clicked on it, it took some minutes to downloaded all the
message headers again, was the new feature meant to prevent that or was
it something different?

Lastly, I confess, I think and always have thought that modal dialogs
are pure evil, and run the following script on every release of
sylpheed before compiling it:

find -type f  -exec perl -pi -e 'if (/modal/i) {s/TRUE/FALSE/;}' {} \;

True, the addressbook must be closed before the changes become active
in a compose window, and there are other issues like that, but those are
insignificant compared to how annoying being blocked from copy/pasting


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