[sylpheed:36553] Re: how to export address book to vcard format ?

Joe Koenig joe.koenig at gmx.de
Tue May 16 23:27:55 JST 2017

Untested.  I'm not even entirely sure what vcards actually are.  I
just had too much time on my hands.

a) locate the address book.  It should be somewhere around

b) extract the data into a comma separated format/values (csf/csv)
file.  There are probably hundreds of ways doing this.  This is just


  $ grep -o 'cn=".*"' addrbook-000001.xml | tr -d '"' | cut -c4- >
  $ grep -o 'email=".*"' addrbook-000001.xml | cut -d " " -f1 | tr
-d '"' | cut -c7- > emails.txt
  $ paste -d "," names.txt emails.txt > commas.csv

c)  use the 'abook' program to convert the csf into vcard.

  $ abook --convert --informat csv --infile commas.csv --outformat
vcard --outfile foo.vcf

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