[sylpheed:36232] Re: Hard wrap an little screens

Javier meresponde2001-sylpheed at yahoo.es
Sat Nov 29 01:15:30 JST 2014

On Fri, 28 Nov 2014 13:03:21 +0100
Luis Muñoz Fuente <luis.munoz.edu at juntadeandalucia.es> wrote:

> Hello:
> Excuse my little English. I like that Sylpheed hard wrap outcoming and
> incoming messages, but if someone read the messages in a mobile or pda
> I think it's better soft wrap. What do you think?
> Thanks


Sylpheed actually doesn't hard wrap incoming messages neither outgoing messages. I sent to myself several times mails without wrapping and they adapt to the client window in the recipient. As well I receive newsletters where sender doesn't wrap and I receive them to the full window width. This message could be the proof, unless the mailing list wraps and modifies it, just to show you. I usually wrap clicking the button in the toolbar.

Before send this I sent one to myself and it didn't wrap.

Or I have some preferences defaulted that help me, because I never touched them.


(Spanish note: espero que lo hayas entendido, perdona que no te responda en español, pero lo hago por la lista)

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