[sylpheed:34804] Template wishes

Einar Lielmanis einars at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 17:07:54 JST 2011


Today I tried to use the sylpheed's templates for the first time and
following popped up that could possibly make them better:

1. Compose using template from the main window.

  Currently to use template one has to
  a) "Compose new message"
  b) Tools - Template - templatename
  c) press "Replace"

  A way to do this quicker - e.g "Message - From template -
  templatename", and without the last question would help a lot;

2. Specify account in the template

  Using multiple email accounts, it's usually quite important from which account
  the mail is sent. It would be *immensely* useful (at least for me) if
  I could specify the account in the template: that was one of the reasons
  I started to look into the templates in the first place.

3. Cursor position

  Positioning the cursor in the message body after applying a template
  would be a nice touch (if I could specify exactly where in the body
  text the cursor needs to go would be even better).

Thank you,


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