[sylpheed:33098] Re: Sylpheed documentation (was: Sylpheed 2.7.0 released)

rhubbell Rhubbell at iHubbell.com
Fri Jul 24 14:32:44 JST 2009

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 18:43:03 -0400
Petr Kovar wrote:


I think we should ask the maintainer of Sylpheed, H. Yamamoto, what
document format would have the best chance of being released each time
Sylpheed is released.  If the answer is xml then that's what we do.
And we start with an translation of the Japanese edition of the html pages
using one of the online translators. I'm not a doc expert or even a novice
but I'll try to help anyway.  Doing a recursive wget of the translated page
would be a starting point.

If the answer is something else then we figure it out. Just keep it
simple. The simpler it is the more likely it will get done and be
maintained.  I say start easy/simple.

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