[sylpheed:32288] Re: Updating question

Doruk Fisek dfisek at fisek.com.tr
Tue May 6 17:47:03 JST 2008

Mon, 5 May 2008 20:50:32 -0500, Gene Goldenfeld
<genegold at peoplepc.com> :

> Is there a difference between what Rebuild Folder Tree and Update
> Summary do, except that the first is for all folders and the second is
> for the one highlighted? Thanks.
If you've moved a mail folder manually (with another software) in or
out of the Mail/ directory, Sylpheed doesn't recognize it until you run
a "Rebuild Folder Tree".

"Update Summary" works only on already recognized folders.


FISEK INSTITUTE - http://www.fisek.org.tr

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