[sylpheed:31368] Re: locked while automatically downloading new messages

John Gateley sylpheed at jfoo.net
Tue May 29 01:14:41 JST 2007

> On Mon, 28 May 2007 11:05:44 +0900, Hiroyuki Yamamoto wrote:
> > Sylpheed uses "non-blocking" I/O for POP3 and SMTP. blocking I/O is
> > used only for IMAP4 and NNTP.

Why blocking for IMAP? As I was composing this reply, Sylpheed
began checking for new mail via IMAP. That was 6 accounts, over
a very slow (100K?) cell phone GPRS connection. Sigh :)

Also, I noticed that Sylpheed, which had originally been running
on my wireless, became very slow when I switched to the cell phone
connection. Restarting fixed it.

A suggestion: use blocking sockets inside of threads, it's much
easier than asynch sockets (I did the networking software for



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