sylxml2csv reads a standard XML Sylpheed or Claws address book on STDIN, and writes a CSV (comma separated values) version on STDOUT. Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Yitzhak Grossman - May be used under the terms of the GPL or the Perl Artistic License sylxml2csv comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY Basic usage: < .sylpheed-2.0/addrbook-000001.xml > syl-addrbook.csv The '-p' (person) and '-a' (address) options can be used to control which fields will appear in the output, and in which order. Either option should be followed by a list of fields, e.g.: -p 'first-name last-name' -a 'email' < .sylpheed-2.0/addrbook-000001.xml > syl-addrbook.csv The field names are: Person: first-name last-name nick-name cn (Display Name) uid Address: alias email remarks uid The default person fields are "first-name last-name cn nick-name", and the default address fields are "email remarks". A custom, constant field can be added to all rows via the '-c' option. This might be useful when concatenating multiple address books, e.g.: -c Personal < .sylpheed-2.0/addrbook-000001.xml > syl-addrbook.csv -c Work < .sylpheed-2.0/addrbook-000002.xml >> syl-addrbook.csv -c Family < .sylpheed-2.0/addrbook-000003.xml >> syl-addrbook.csv