[pgpool-hackers: 1692] Re: [pgpool/pgpool2] [v3.5.3] PCP options from pgpool.conf not being used (#4)

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at postgresql.org
Wed Jul 13 10:46:40 JST 2016


Recently an issue regarding pcp command has been posted to our
official pgpool-II mirror at GitHub.  Can you please take a look at

Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

From: Zachary Sheets <notifications at github.com>
Subject: [pgpool/pgpool2] [v3.5.3] PCP options from pgpool.conf not being used (#4)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 12:38:17 -0700
Message-ID: <pgpool/pgpool2/issues/4 at github.com>

> OS: ArchLinux
> Kernel: 4.6.4-GrSec
> PgSQL: 9.5.3
> PgPool-II: 3.5.3
> Compile-time options:
> ``` bash
> ./configure \
>     --prefix=/usr \
>     --with-openssl \
>     --sysconfdir=/etc/pgpool \
>     --mandir=/usr/share/man
> ```
> pgpool.conf (relevant options):
> ``` bash
> # ...
> socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
> # ...
> pcp_listen_addresses = ''
> pcp_port = 9090
> pcp_socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
> # ...
> wd_ipc_socket_dir = '/run/postgresql'
> # ...
> ```
> This file should be in ```/run/postgresql```, not in ```/tmp```:
> ``` bash
> # ls -lAt /tmp
> total 0
> srwxrwxrwx 1 root root  0 Jul 12 15:17 .s.PGSQL.9090
> ```
> The PCP service should not be listening on *any* address, let alone *every* address.
> ``` bash
> # ss -lnt | grep ':9090'
> LISTEN     0      48           *:9090                     *:*
> ```
> The ```pcp_pool_status``` tool is, according to documentation, supposed to be using the same ```pgpool.conf``` file as the main service. It either is not, or has its values hardcoded. No option is listed in the documentation to use a specific configuration file.
> ``` bash
> # pcp_pool_status -U <user>
> ERROR: connection to socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.9898" failed with error "No such file or directory"
> ```
> ---
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.
> Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:
> https://github.com/pgpool/pgpool2/issues/4

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