[pgpool-general: 6579] Error "unable to decrypt password from pool_passwd

Lionel Engel lionel.engel6 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 15:43:04 JST 2019


I have an issue when I am starting pgpool on 2 servers in same PgPool
cluster (watchdog).

My PgPool standby server running on CentOS 6 with PgPool 4.0.5 is returning
an error that is saying "Could not get the password for user:postgres.
Unable to decrypt password from pool_passwd."

I have a .pgpoolkey file and I have used *pg_enc* tool to generate the
SCRAM-SHA-256 encrypted password in *pool_passwd*.

What is wrong?

Thank you in advance and best regards,

Lionel Engel
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