[pgpool-general: 6362] pgpool performance issues

Mariel Cherkassky mariel.cherkassky at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 17:25:58 JST 2018

I'm using pgpool and I'm suffering from very poor performance issues when
using the pool. I have the next architecture  :
1)Node A, contains the application,standby database and pgpool service.
2)Node B contains the primary db and pgpool service that will be used only
in failover.

I did the next 2 tests :
-In the first test, the application on node A access the DB on node B
directly, without connecting to the pool. I run one of our application`s
major procedures and it took 40s.
-In the second test, the application on node A access the pool on node A
and it redirects the queries to node B. I run the same procedure and it
took 3minutes.

My db has 500 max connections and the application has only 1 user and 1 db
so I set the num_init_children to be 200 and pool_size to be 1.

Any idea how can I tune the pgpool ?

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