[pgpool-general: 6331] question regarding pgpool effiecncy in my case

Mariel Cherkassky mariel.cherkassky at gmail.com
Sun Dec 9 22:00:33 JST 2018

I'm trying to implement pgpool2 in our environment but in our performance
tests it seems that when we use pgpool the performance are worse.
Therefore, I wanted to check if pgpool is the right solution based on the
next info that I read :
" process opens a new backend connection only if the requested
[user,database] pair is not already in the cache. So if the application
uses only one user to connect to only one database, say [pguser1,pgdb1],
then each child will continue to reuse the first connection and will never
open a second connection, so in effect pgpool will open no more than 100
backend connections even though max_pool is set to 3."

In my case, I have 3 databases and for every database I have a dedicated
user. The application access each of those databases with a dedicated user.
Now basicaly, if my max_connections is set to 500, pgpool max_pool set to 3
and the num_of_init_children is set to 100 it means that at every moment I
can have at most 100 sessions to each one of the  databases (with pgpool..).

Thanks , Mariel.
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